Statewide Support

A woman types on a laptop.

  • National Board Candidate Support Listserv where you can network with other candidates and National Board Certified Teachers. Click here for directions on how to join our listserv.
  • Note: if you are already a member of the listserv and wish to be removed, please follow these directions.
  • Virginia NBCT Network collaboratively advances teaching and learning by supporting aspiring and current NBCTs and advocating for policies and practices to support excellence in education.
  • The VA NBCT Network will ...
    1. Provide a structure for NBCTs to gather and share information.
    2. Advocate for the advancement of teaching and learning in all Virginia schools.
    3. Support those candidates seeking National Board certification.
    4. Create an interactive network to provide support for professional growth through the National Board Certification process.
  • Click here for directions on how to join the VA-NBCT Network listserv.